These companies often enjoy a healthy growth rate and have industry-leading future prospects. These unlisted shares, especially at a pre-IPO stage, provide an excellent investment opportunity mainly focusing on long-term wealth creation. The returns can potentially beat returns by listed equities.
Unlisted shares offer different risk dynamics and can be complementary to someone who is invested in listed shares. They can be a good means to diversify the portfolio.
One of the main reasons investors buy these shares is for the expected gains. Companies sell these shares at a discounted price to tempt investors to buy a significant stake of their unlisted shares. The price of these shares then has the probability of increasing during the IPO, fetching the investors a good profit.
6, Sleti lane, Near Dera Satkartar,
Model Town road, opp. Ranbir
Gas Agency, Jalandhar city-144003
+91 9357253596