Jalandhar MFD Maninder Singh Chadha recently did a SIP drive in which 65 investors participated in a single day. A strong believer in ‘Ghar Ghar SIP. Har Ghar SIP’ , Jalandhar MFD Maninder Singh Chadha conducted his sixth annual SIP drive on April 6, 2023 and did 85 SIPs amounting to Rs. 3.12 lakh. 65 investors participated in his SIP drive in which 63 were his existing clients.
Sharing the drive’s success with Cafemutual, he spoke about the four things that helped him conduct yet another successful drive. Let’s hear it directly from Maninder.
#1 Be consistent
For the past five years, I have been bringing in the new financial year with a SIP drive. This is a top-up drive with the ‘inflation-beat dose’ theme. Through this drive, we encourage investors to increase their SIP amount by at least 10% as a shield against inflation.
Such consistency in drive timing and theme has made investors habituated to annual top-ups. In fact, most of my existing clients now approach me voluntarily every year.
#2 Continuous communication
Making clients understand about SIP top ups is a continuous exercise. We regularly send broadcast messages, upload social media posts and also conduct educational sessions on the importance of top-ups. Overtime, investors start looking at top-ups as a medium to reach financial aspirations faster.
#3 Remind regularly
Regular reminders keep messages fresh and encourage investors to participate. As a practice, we send five reminders before the annual drive. Also, we time these reminders closer to the drive date. These reminders are in the form of messages, emails, social media posts and phone calls.
#4 Motivate team members
As a ritual, we celebrate the team’s efforts through a cake-cutting ceremony and also spend some quality time together over lunch. Additionally, we also have a felicitation ceremony to appreciate their contribution.
Simple acts of motivation like these boost team’s productivity and makes them feel cared for. It also encourages them to work with zeal towards the drive’s goals.
Aren’t these business lessons timeless and essential for conducting a SIP drive?
Do you also have some learnings to share through your recent SIP drive?
Write to us at newsdesk@cafemutual.com and stand a chance to feature on the Cafemutual website.
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